Super Bomberman R2 Coming to Tokyo Game Show 2022!

The 2022 Tokyo Gameshow is coming up and Konami wants the public to try Super Bomberman R2 out! Announced during Nintendo's latest Direct: Partner Showcase, Konami rose out of the ashes of the now deceased Super Bomberman R Online to unveil their newest project: an outright sequel to 2018's Super Bomberman R. For a SUPER quick summary, following Konami's acquisition and eventual absorption of Hudson Soft back in 2017, they pretty much got their hands on all of their IPs, including the beloved Bomberman series. This occurred while the previous IP holder was hard at work on a 3ds title that sought to bring back the adventure formula (i.e, 64, Generation, Jetters), likely resulting in it's unfortunate cancellation. This wouldn't mark the end of the series, however, as the company would rather suddenly announce and release a successor of sorts to the earlier game: Super Bomberman R. This would, more or less, bring the series back into the spotlight and lead to an onl...