Old Technical [Bomberman] Documents Re-Emerge!

With Hudson Soft's unfortunate closure back in 2012 following talks of becoming a subsidiary of partner Konami came an erasure of their immediate legacy. After the Wii U era, as many of us have since seen, we haven't seen too many of their IPs actually return. No, seriously. It seems like ALL of the Hudson Soft franchises that weren't either Bomberman, or to a very light extent, Momotaro Dentetsu. None of their titles have gotten any re-releases or anything. Certainly not helping is what I've heard around about numerous of Hudson Soft's employees bailing ship in the months prior to their closure, including numerous big figures like the Kudo brothers or Yoshiyuki ('Takahashi') Meijin. If you're someone like me who really cares about the lasting legacy of a series, as well as the overall artistic integrity of a product, then the current state of Bomberman, as I've gone over numerous times before, has been a very sobering one. Additionally, when mos...