New Bombergirl Unveiled (+ Dr. Ein?!)

The clock is now ticking on Bombergirl, with around 4 characters left to be revealed before the full cast is complete! Meet Melora! After a bunch of Konami's usual vagueposting shenanigans on the game's Twitter, she was finally unveiled back at the beginning of November. Based off of Princess Melora from Konami's Twinbee series, it's explained in-universe that she's the daughter of Melora and has been sent to Earth to deal with an oncoming threat. And who else would that threat be, then, than Platina, who's quite literally based off of Bomberman 64's Sirius? With Platina's debut (and us being made aware of the Cosmic Cube's existence here), we were introduced to an idol group called the "Pretty Bombers", who were essentially made aware of this threat. Something interesting worth noting, as pointed out by user @Shizen_Bomber, is that the four girls' main color schemes make up that of Super Bomberman 2's initial design for, well, Pre...