Super Bomberman R 2 Release Date & NEW Castle Details!

On April 10th, 2023 (or 9th in other places), Konami would dump a bunch of info about the game in a new trailer and the opening of a website proper after half a year of nothing! Because there's just so much to talk about, I'm going to break everything down into a bunch of sections before breaking off to editorialize for a bit, visiting one or two other topics, and wrapping everything up. 1.) The trailer itself: Taken from IGN The trailer itself doesn't really show much that's new. The only really noteworthy thing here is that we now get to see the enhanced graphics and improved assets in other modes, including the story mode. Additionally, we learn that Castle Mode has received a major gameplay change. In initial media, we only saw player protecting the fortress while 15 others came after your treasure. Seen both here and on the website, it's now stated that up to 16 players are divided into two teams, meaning that there's now more than one person on the defen...