Well, it seems that I was wrong last time in saying that Bombergirl was going to end soon because of the introduction of another new character, as well as a shadow update to the website nobody pointed out. Meet Brass, the first Bombergirl character to immediately make me uncomfortable. While this also applies to all the other literal CHILDREN this game has, just looking at her actually made me cringe. I think the only other time where I had a similar reaction was when I learned of the game for the first time and saw Shiron (this game's take on Jetters' Shirobon). Let's make this quick. For all intents and purposes, she's described as an angel who likes making people happy with her music. As her name suggests, she mainly plays with air-based instruments like trumpets. The only other notable detail is that she wants to be like Sepia and ["Bubble Girl"; will update this later]. Otherwise, I suppose that she's supposed to be a by-the-books kind of person wh...