Bombergirl: ENTER Dark!

Bombergirl continues with yet another new character, though with a somewhat surprising twist. ...and as in 'twist', I really mean Konami doing the thing many English fans were expecting them to do to begin with: add more girls based off of Bomberman characters. Anyway, meet Dark, a character based off of Regulus- specifically his Bomberman 64: The Second Attack counterpart. (I started writing this back in April, then admittedly forgot about it prior to earlier today) His Bomberman 64 appearance His Bomberman 64: The Second Attack appearance Having come from space to take on Shiron, the fill-in for Jetters' version of Bomberman, she's someone who wants to take on the strongest person in the room and be recognized by everyone. Being a literal kid here, though, her big words and declarations of being the best are immediately shrugged off by literally everyone. Alongside her is her partner, Rabbidel, which she sees as both a pet of sorts and a weapon. It's design is...